Sharp official poster: The world's first 8K screen TV released on the 31st of this month

4K has not yet been popularized, but vendors have all been pushing hard to push 8K TVs (consumer level). Whether or not the user pays for it, Sharp is determined to be the leader.

Now, Sharp official news shows that on August 31st they will release the world’s first 8K-screen consumer TV in the country, exactly as we reported previously.

As for this TV, Sharp official did not disclose more details, but before the news sent by the industry chain shows that Sharp is preparing the world's first consumer-grade 8K TV, is currently in volume production, and the price will be relatively close to the people Quite a lot, it will not be high above.

In addition to mass-producing 8K panels and opening up the difficulties related to TV production, Foxconn has also acquired a company that is well-known in the United States as an imaging equipment manufacturer. It may launch 8K resolution content production during the year because it wants to promote large-scale production. Hardware and soft resources must keep up with the same time, the father of LCD also wants to come back to rely on 8K.

Corresponding to the 8K Ultra HD resolution is the 22.2 channel standard, 4K and 1080p resolution 5.1 channel, while 8K technology far exceeds the complexity of 4K, the effect is enough to spike 4K, of course, the hardware Well, it will also let users not ** 8K TV, after all, 4K TV bad streets now, software content has been unsatisfactory for a long time.

For Sharp, the reason why betting 8K TV doesn't look so crazy is to first use the 2020 Olympics (will use 8K live broadcast signals), secondly to persuade content providers and build 8K content themselves (of course they are also Not a good road can be used to counterattack.)

If the price is relatively close to the people, would you consider buying an 8K TV?

Smart TV/box information can focus on smart TV information network sofa butler (http://), China's influential TV box and smart TV website, providing information, communication, TV boxes, smart TVs, smart TV software, etc. Answering questions.

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