Ke Jie: Holding Believe in Belief, AlphaGo is not Easy to Say

Ke Jie at the Man-machine War Conference

Netease smart news April 10 news, this afternoon, the Chinese Go Association in conjunction with Google, Zhejiang Sports Bureau held a conference in the Chinese chess hall, announced that the Chinese Wuzhen Weiqi Summit will be held on May 23-27. It is reported that AlphaGo and Ke Jie's man-machine battle, the winning party can get $ 1.5 million in prize money, each player's appearance fee is 300,000 US dollars.

On the one hand, Ke Jie said that AlphaGo has brought us great influence and shock, feeling "it is a chess player from the future." Ke Jie also said that the artificial intelligence created by DeepMind can bring us a better future. The future will change because of them. “I am honored to stand on the historical node.”

On the other hand, in the face of a strong opponent, Ke Jie said that there was no formal competition with AlphaGo before it was just a test. "It is my honor to play on behalf of mankind this time. I will try my best to win the game. I will try my best to win the game. I will win with determination and determination to die. I will not be easy to defeat!"

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AlphaGo vs. Ke Jie held the players on May 23 and said: (Source: Netease User)

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According to the conference, AlphaGo will compete against the world's No. 1 Ke Jie's three-legged chess player, and each game will be played for three hours. In addition to AlphaGo and Ke Jie’s century competition, the competition will also adopt multiple forms of team games and match matches. Other members of the Chinese Go team will also participate. In the match match, the two players will be teamed up on AlphaGo to challenge the players to understand and cooperate with AlphaGo's unique style. In the team competition, five Chinese top players will cooperate to establish the player's nerves. "Networking" reduces the influence of psychological factors and makes more objective judgments. (Small 羿)

Photo conference

Servo Encoder Slip Ring

A servo encoder slip ring is a specialized device that is used in conjunction with a servo motor to allow for the transfer of electrical power and signals between the motor and stationary components. The slip ring consists of a number of metal contacts that are arranged in a circular pattern, and it is typically mounted on the shaft of the motor. As the motor spins, the contacts within the slip ring make contact with corresponding contacts on the stationary components, allowing for the transfer of power and signals.

The primary benefit of using a servo encoder slip ring is that it prevents wear and tear on the electrical connectors that would otherwise be subjected to constant movement. Additionally, it can help to improve reliability and performance by providing a more consistent flow of power and signals.

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A servo encoder slip ring is a device that allows an electrical current to pass between rotating and stationary parts of a machine. It does this by using a set of brush contacts that rotate with the shaft, while stationary contacts are mounted on the housing. This allows for uninterrupted power and data transmission in applications where the stationary component cannot be easily moved.

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